Hero's Journey Tarot Report
This is an intense energetic tarot reading designed to help you not only understand that you are the Hero of your own life and story, but where along the Hero’s Journey you might be. The first step in Being your own Hero is recognizing yourself as such. You are the Hero; this reading is a road map for your Hero’s Journey.
This is an intense energetic tarot reading designed to help you not only understand that you are the Hero of your own life and story, but where along the Hero’s Journey you might be. The first step in Being your own Hero is recognizing yourself as such. You are the Hero; this reading is a road map for your Hero’s Journey.
This is an intense energetic tarot reading designed to help you not only understand that you are the Hero of your own life and story, but where along the Hero’s Journey you might be. The first step in Being your own Hero is recognizing yourself as such. You are the Hero; this reading is a road map for your Hero’s Journey.
Detail: Based on Joseph Campell's Hero's Journey. The Hero’s Path is a 13-part reading inspired by Arwen Lynch’s Mapping the Hero’s Journey With Tarot. The Fool’s Path, inspired by the Major Arcana of the Tarot, is a 22-part reading. These readings use two tarot decks to name, examine, and follow the steps of YOU, the Hero of your own Story and your own Life. The first deck represents the main archetypal steps on the Journey while the second deck adds detail to the first, supporting and expanding the road markers provided. A free bonus card to name the theme of your Journey is provided at the end of the reading.